God Mode. Neutral Gold Shrine owner untranslated

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When in God Mode place neutral Gold Shrine on the map. it's owner untranslated.

Game Version:
Steam Public

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Znak zadowolenia przez Александр Петров 7 lat temu

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Stefan Furcht Programmer

In case you still get no translation after switching fully to official translation only, it could mean that the problem is with your GameText.csv file.
Maybe it got not correctly updated with a patch or somehow corrupted.
In this case I recommend to Verify Game Cache.


I just checked the cache.

With the Russian official translation (without specifying community translation) on the map "Hollow (Sandbox)" there is no translation of the neutral owner.


Skirmish maps also untranslated.

The translation is only present on My pet Dungeon maps.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

> The translation is only present on My pet Dungeon maps.
I thought the translation IS NOT present in My Pet Dungeon mode (as well as in all other modes)?
However there shouldn't be differences between the game modes, if any then it could be specific maps which have no translation key set on the neutral faction.
Is it the same for all maps or not?

I wonder if we did any internal change on this matter since the last public patch was released,
but I am not aware about any.
But as you can see in the screenshot above, in our internal version the translation is applied correctly and so any community translation should be applied correctly as well.
I will have to double check this with collegues tomorrow, but no matter what, it seems to be fixed and working correctly in our internal version, so it should be fixed with next patch release if it doesn't work yet.


You have a screenshot from My Pet Dungeon mode. Try a sandbox map - for example, "Hollow (Sandbox)".

Stefan Furcht Programmer

I totally misunderstood and thought you encountered the issue in My Pet Dungeon mode.
We found now that Skirmish  & Sandbox maps do not have the translation key set, because these maps are made differently than official campaign maps.

We will look into that now and try to find a fix.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

We do now inject this translation key for the neutral faction when ever a skirmish, sandbox or map editor created map is loaded.
Thanks for finding out about this issue, it should be fixed in next patch.

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