God Mode. Neutral Gold Shrine owner untranslated

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  • Completed - Resolved

When in God Mode place neutral Gold Shrine on the map. it's owner untranslated.

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Steam Public

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Satisfaction mark by Александр Петров 7 years ago

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Stefan Furcht Programmer

What can I say, I just tested it as shown in the picture above and it got translated correctly.

You know that it is not enough to select the official unsupported translation, but you also need to deselect the community translation (select "None" as community translation)?
Otherwise the community translation will always have priority over the games original translation.
So if a translation key exists in the community translation, the game will never bother to retrieve the original.

If you have community translation unselected and official (unsupported) translation selected, is it still not translated for you?

In case it is, it means simply that the community translation contains the English word where it should have the Russian one.


Haha. The problem can be observed if you use God mode on Sanbox & Scenarios maps (not My Pet Dungeon).
I watched on the map "Hollow (Sandbox)".


I really use the community translation.
BUT!!! I just switched to the official unsupported Russian translation. And this field has not been translated!

Stefan Furcht Programmer

@Cian please have a look at UserEcho, looks like there is a faulty community translation used which does not translate the key for "Neutral".

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Hello Александр Петров,

I just tried it out but for me it translates it correctly.

My guess is, you are using a Russian community translation which accidently forgot to translate the key for "Neutral" and left it in English.
So the community translation actually provides this string to the game pretending it would be translated to russian language.

If so, please try to contact the translators and let them know that the translation key "common_words_neutral" is not translated to Russian language but contains the English translation.

There is nothing we can do about this on our end, because the community translations are owned by their creators.

Hope that helps.

Kind Regards

Stefan Furcht Programmer
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Strange they should be translated like normal we will have a look into it