Heart of Gold Level 2 - Enemies disappear

  • Views 10136
  • uuendatud
  • Completed - Resolved

HI, In heart of gold level 2 Rhoad I have noticed midway through my game all the enemies on the road have disappeared. I had not yet engaged them in combat or even broken thru to the road yet. Save game attached. dlc1_campaign_level2_name_20161102002734

My specs:

I5 processor


Windows 7

64 bit

Game Version:
Steam Public
Stefan Furcht
  • Accepted

Hello knightenterprises,

I did load your savegame and I can confirm that all enemies in the lane run into the north western gateway but do not respawn again.
So the issue can be reproduced and should be fixable.

I am sorry no one replied to you in the last two weeks.
This happened because the ticket was not changed from "Pending Customer" to "Accepted" after you replied and thus it was not realized internally and thus got accidentally ignored.
Normally the ticket state is switched when the user answered but this time it didn't work out unfortunately.
I will now accept the ticket again and make sure it is looked at soon.

Thanks for reporting bugs! :)

Stefan Furcht

Nano Boucher I was able to reproduce that all units disappear after some minutes into the north western gateway but do never respawn.
Can you take a look why MQ fails here?

[Dev] Nanorock
  • Completed - Next Patch
[Dev] Nanorock

Hello ^_^

I had a look, and found the culprit. It is a rare race condition with a looper firing it's event before anyone else listen in a very specific scenario. = )


So the issue has been fixed? When will I be able to continue my game?

Stefan Furcht

The issue has been fixed internally but the fix will be published with next Patch.
It's expected to be released in around two weeks.


Thank you for your quick reply.

I always seem to get the bugs (I was the person who originally reported the Mandalf bug). Could this be because I am using windows 7?

Stefan Furcht

No I think bugs are more often triggered if you have an unusual play style.
Then we do not encounter them on testing but you still run into.
However all need to be fixed and it's good when all bugs get spotted and fixed at the end.
Thus thanks for reporting them which helps to improve the game.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved