Units stop acting after prolonged games

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  • Completed - Resolved


the title says it all. I build a map with the sole purpose to constant fight enemy AI's in prolonged games. After about 45min into the game, when it gets really crowded, the imps just stop working most of the time. Also noticeable is that the units only occasionally attack each other and basically just stareoff mpst of the time.

(I have this every time and basically also on every 4 player map)


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Steam Public

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Satisfaction mark by wuschelteddy 9 years ago

Thanks a lot! A lot of ppl put a lot of effort into this and I am thrilled to see the outcome soon. The amount of interaction with anyone from Support/Technical is awesome!

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Duplicates 1
Imps refuse to work, the creatures are rebelling (on large maps after a long game)

1. On large maps, where a lot of content, the imps don't work (don't dig/ not to seize land/ not mined; or long standing idle when there are jobs) until I will give the spanking, or not throw a few times on the seat, helps a little flag collection of imps. Here, on video - working not produce oloto, on the Shrine of gold.
2. The second problem that occurs when many different rooms on a large map and defeated one of the contenders, removing the flag collection of creatures - creatures soon rebel (shows that they wanted money or food, although both, at their feet).

Windows 8.1 64 bit, 8 Gm RAM, Intel(R) Core(TM) I7-4500 CPU1.80 GHz 2.40 GHz GPU: AMD Radeon R7 M265, Intel(R) HD Graphics Family. Version game fresh, 1.3.1f5

Youtube video

War for the Overworld Launcher Log


Stefan Furcht Programmer

I played further to see what happens but I was finally able to win the battle and destroy the AI players without applying any coder cheats ;)
So for some reason on my end the level worked quite good, maybe I need to try it on a different rig.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Nice fight :)
I have loaded the save game and nothing moved for a warmup time of like 20 seconds.
But then suddenly when the minimap was rendered (was black before) suddenly everyone was moving again the behaviour seemed correct.
Though I found a few workers which argued about who should drag a corpse so that multiple workers tried but no one succeed to drag it away.
This seems a bug indeed but I did not encounter that other units or workers get stuck after the ~20 sec warmup.
So I wonder if this is depending on different CPUs or something similar.
So for you every unit remains stuck after loading the save game and it doesn't "wake up" after a short time?


As requested:

Split Worlds.zip

Have fun with that :>

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Thank you for the upload Wuschelteddy,
for some reason i can only download the meta file and not the save file above.
I am not sure if this is an issue with UserEcho or if something went wrong on uploading.
In case it is because the file has no ending, maybe put both in a zip.
We will try to figure out why the download link to the save file is broken.

Thanks for you help


Okay I got to it and broke the game again.

I restarted the game completely 2 times and loaded into the map to make sure the issue is persistent.

Having a further look into it, I believe the error comes from simply too many actors for the AI/game to handle, thus breaking down. (As I mentioned before my army is quite huge)

I hope I got the correct files - If so you should be starting right into a battle at the center of the map, mainly vs the blue AI. There are quite a few imps around the flag doing nothing. You could also wait a Minute and try to summon a few more imps into the battle to pick up KO'd enemys or whatever.

split worlds_20160101154932

split worlds_20160101154932.meta



I will see to it as soon as I can.

I don't have a save game for that yet. Since I (and propably everyone else) will be busy via Sylvester I can't promise that I can create one until next week.

Stefan Furcht Programmer

But can you save the game when it happens and upload the save game?
I hope it still happens after loading the save game, so that we have a way to reproduce.

Ryan Cosford

I noticed this without saving

Stefan Furcht Programmer

Maybe you guys have a save game where the issue occurs you can share with us?

To retrieve and upload your save game, go to your steam installation and find the following subfolder:
<Steam Installation Directory>\Steam\userdata\<your steam user ID>\230190\remote

This folder contains all your save games, pick the one which starts with the level name you saved and with the modify date when you saved the game.
Pick both files, the one without ending and .meta and upload it here.

Maybe so we can look into the problem you encounter.

Thanks for your help

Ryan Cosford

I had the same issue on campaign level 10 where you're at bottom of map and kira is at the top and you have to destroy kenos (or pillars of light) can't remember....anyway

After building a significantly massive dungeon with only access to chasm is near the mana shrine to the east. Every other part of dungeon I left walls in order for my creatures to develop to level 10.

After maybe half an hour play time almost all my creature (beasts, imps etc) just seem to cease activity including looking after their own wellbeing, this causes them to fight each other and then leave, imps don't dig, don't fill tavern, drag unconscious back to beds, fetch corpses, nothing, not even build defences or constructs.

I think it has been fixed as of 1.3.1 update but will have to double check